Sunday, February 15, 2009

Fix It Yourself - Continued...

Ok, so I don't blame anyone who tries to fix it themselves. But, does it save you money in the long run? The odds aren't in your favor.

A week after writing the previous article, we had a customer who had an appliance problem. He bought several parts from our store that added up to be over $130. The parts did not fix the problem. Since the parts were electrical, they were also non-returnable. Although he knew this prior to purchasing the parts, he was trying to save himself some money. Finally, he decided to pay the Service Call and have our techs diagnose his problem.

Within minutes, the tech had found the problem, and it had nothing to do with the appliance. The customer had a small electrical problem within the plug in the wall. Now that the customer had to pay a Service Call, he was close to $200. This is just a classic case of how a Service Call can save you money. He chose to repair the problem himself, and the cost of the Service Call with his repair was about $75. A lot better than $200, huh?

Our technicians are trained and professional. Put the liability on us. We guarantee our work and our parts. If you'd like to fix it yourself, you can visit our Parts Store in Murfreesboro, TN. We're located at 855 W College St, Suite W. We're in the Maple Leaf Village complex across from the skating rink. If you're in need of directions, please visit our website,

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