I wish everything was robotic and people knew the problem right away, but sometimes it might take a few times to get to the root of the problem. For example the most advanced appliances may have one to up to five computer boards built into it. This can cause an issue when testing the appliance for the root of the problem, if a computer shorts out it can show all kinds of misleading codes and send the technician down the the wrong path. So sometimes it may take a couple of trips before the technician solves the problem. But when it is solved this same problem doesn't occur again because of the experience from that one job. But like I said the experience may not ever be needed again because of the rapid change in the industry.
Appliance Technicians are just like the local doctor and sometimes even the most experienced physicians in the world have a hard time solving the root of the problem. So with this blog we ask all the customers of the world and of course Tennessee to be patient with your appliance tech, for he will figure it out if you give him a chance. Whether it's right away or the 3rd or even 4th trip out. Trust me they don't do it on purpose. The last thing a technician wants to do is to keep coming back. What that shows is determination to get it fixed and that's what you want in a technician. You hired them to fix the problem and the one's that are determined, do just that.
As for MARS TECHS we are most determined. But sometimes one trip just isn't enough. Rest assure though that trip charges will not accrue with extra visits and they never should. If a Tech can't figure it out on the 1st trip then it's on his time to figure out on the second or third trip. And that's what we have always offered at MARS. We are 95% on top of it when it comes to the first trip, but if we have to come back and dig deeper for the problem we are 100% sure we'll get it fixed. That's a promise to you.